Turkey Day!

I iz sooooo excited.  Mum tole me tomorrow wuz TUKEY DAY!  And I saws her put a BIG one in da frigerator.

Also, she putz a hole lotta other gud stuff in dere.  Like SWETE POTATO!  And CARRETS!  I iz thinking me and dat sister of mine gonna eat GUD tomorrows!  Imma lay in da kitchen in case she dropz anyting.  And she will, cuz she iz messy!  I is VEWY grateful for dat!

In da meantime, everyone have a Happy Thanksgiving!

Frap on!

(Dis'll be me all day tomorrow!)

PS Mum here to remind everyone:

1.  Too much turkey skin is bad for our pups.  The fat in it can cause pancreatitis.  And NEVER give your babies turkey bones!

2.  Onions, raisins, grapes, and other foods can cause intestinal upsets.  Check out this excellent article on the AKC website:


3.   Watch that your baby doesn't find an escape route!  And think about travel concerns.  Another excellent article about Holiday pet safety can be found at


Happy Thanksgiving all!


  1. Thanks for the healthy reminders Winston!


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